Cost savings for airport operators

iglidur® bearings defy aggressive conditions in various airport applications


  • What was needed: iglidur®plain bearing
  • Requirements: Bearings were needed that are used continuously outdoors, in extreme cold and heat as well as under the influence of acidic de-icing agents. The materials must also not absorb water, which would otherwise freeze.
  • Industry: Aerospace, airport
  • Success for the customer: The iglidur® bearings are light, robust, weatherproof and lubrication-free, which means they can be used in extreme cold. In the iglidur® Z version, they are even certified for temperatures as low as -100 °C. The extensive range helps the customer to obtain solutions for all requirements from a single source.
Ventilation and exhaust hose



"The iglidur product range was just right for us. Lightweight, robust, weatherproof and lubrication-free, these were our most important points, certified in the iglidur Z version down to -100°C - that was the end of our search.

Armin Van der Lelij

CEO of the Quickloading development office

Hose coupling
Plain bearings

Further practical examples convince airport operators

Plain bearings


I look forward to answering your questions

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