Weeds quickly removed

Cultivation system removes weeds and reduces the use of herbicides


Weed removal with the Thiessen Tillage cultivation system
"Many farmers are confronted with this problem and this solution does not require any additional equipment and significantly reduces the use of fat."

Ryan Thiessen

Owner and operator of Thiessen Tillage



Better harvest results with iglidur plain bearings

"Grease is an excellent lubricant, but there is a lot of dust and soil in agriculture. These impurities quickly settle in the grease and result in a dirty and ineffective sludge."

Ryan Thiessen

Owner and operator of Thiessen Tillage

Cultivation system in vineyards
"By switching to igus® Hightech-plastic, we were able to reduce maintenance time and costs. We no longer have to grease our equipment, which makes cleaning easy as the grease no longer contains impurities and sticks to the steel. The result is a better, cleaner-looking product."

Ryan Thiessen

Owner and operator of Thiessen Tillage

Click here for the products used


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