Polymer bearings replace wearing brass bearings in slurry tankers

The new bearings work in the axle system of the tanker despite heavy soiling


  • What was needed: Robust plain bearings for the oscillating steering axle
  • Requirements: heavy soiling from dirt and slurry, aggressive ammonia cloud affects all components, high stress on all parts during the season due to continuous use
  • Industry: agricultural engineering
  • Success for the customer: The susceptible brass bearings were replaced by completely maintenance- and lubrication-free iglidur® bearings. The new bearings are robust, insensitive to dirt and dust and have a longer service life due to their low friction properties.
Zunhammer slurry tanker



"The wear on the brass bushes was too high. Therefore, we were glad that the polymer bearings finally provided an effective alternative, because the plastic bearings are simply more robust."

Sebastian Zunhammer

CEO Zunhammer GmbH

Zunhammer slurry tanker
iglidur Q polymer bearings

Products used

Plain bearings

Plain bearing iglidur® Q

sample box iglidur®

Free sample box


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