Nippy even in bends: igus bearings make agile e-cargo bike low-maintenance

E-cargo bike chike
"The design of the tilt chassis with double transverse control arm system was one of our greatest challenges", recalls Prager. Amongst other things, it was necessary to find suitable components - such as rod end bearings for the track rods and plain bearings for the transverse control arms that are light, low-maintenance and weather-resistant.

Manuel Prager

CEO of chike

Compact and manoeuvrable thanks to tilting chassis

Manuel Prager (chike) and Kai Schmitz (igus)

Wear-resistant and low-maintenance: rod end and plain bearings from igus® are the ideal solution

chike cargo bike with iglidur plain bearings and igubal rod end bearings
iglidur plain bearings in the transverse control arm
igubal rod end bearings on the track rods
iglidur pillow block bearings in the locking mechanism of a transport box


I look forward to answering your questions

Philip Pauli
Philip Pauli

International Sales iglidur

+49 2203 96499825 Write e-mail

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