Reliable cable guidance for XXL 3D printing robots

A pneumatic retraction system prevents damage to the cables on the robot arm.

  • What was needed: Pneumatic retraction system (RSP), robot cable CF.ROBOT
  • Requirements: As the robot damaged the cable over time, they were looking for a fail-safe energy supply that would permanently protect the cable.
  • Industry: 3D printing
  • Success for the customer: The pneumatic retraction system now prevents cables from hanging in the work area without restricting the robot's movement.
3D printing robot




without triflex R


with triflex R
Pneumatic retraction system RSP
with cables and connectors


I look forward to answering your questions

Matthias Mollerus
Matthias Meyer

Leiter Geschäftsbereich triflex® und Robotics

+49 (0)2203 / 9649 - 161Write e-mail

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