The answer for the realisation of the new gripping mechanism: a new clamp developed by Krones, which is based on completely new materials, among other things. The grippers, for example, are made of the material RN367, which was developed for the special challenges of bottle handling (see Fig. 1). The material not only minimises wear in contact with glass. Hygienic design and chemical cleaning requirements were also taken into account during development. This keeps the germ load on the grippers as low as possible.
The support rollers at the back of the clamps and the plain bearings are made of iglidur® X, which is also suitable for chemical cleaning, has a low coefficient of friction and allows long maintenance-free use (see Figures 2 and 3). Last but not least, drylin® R sliding foils made of the material iglidur® E7 are used for the linear movement of the clamps, which are attached to the carousel via springs (see image 4).
However, the new grippers have even more advantages. Thanks to the universal solution and the durability of the solution, replacement and changeover parts are saved, and a whole 2.5 tonnes of material are eliminated.
And the market response ultimately speaks for itself: the customer enquiries for Krones arrived so quickly that they first had to be slowed down.