Plastic knife edge rollers in beverage plants operate failure-free worldwide

Plastic knife-edge rollers at Krones AG ensure maintenance-free conveyor belts.


  • What was needed: A knife edge roller made of the specially developed material iglidur P210
  • Requirements: High performance requirements (20 packs per minute); reliability for round-the-clock use; resistance despite sugar particles, sand, dust and moisture in the system as well as temperatures of up to 100°C
  • Industry: Packaging industry, beverage industry
  • Success for the customer: The iglidur knife-edge rollers are used all over the world in Krones systems and are failure-free. They function reliably, the capping is hardly noticeable. They are also easy to install and save the customer time-consuming maintenance work.

Variopac Pro – Krones AG's all-rounder packaging system

Variopac Pro all-rounder packaging system



Our systems are used around the world, and they do not fail. iglidur knife edge rollers simply work and have hardly any noticeable wear. They are also easy to assemble, and the customer does not need to spend time maintaining them

Jürgen Werner, Konstrukteur bei der Krones AG

White paper: Kolsterising and tribo polymers

White paper: Colsterising and tribo-polymers

  • Where is colsterisation used in the packaging industry?
  • How does colsterised stainless steel work in combination with plain bearings?
  • Why do packaging machines benefit from colsterised stainless steel combined with tribo-polymer plain bearings?
Knife edge roller
Knife edge roller
Knife edge roller


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