14,000 hour service life: iglidur plain bearings in KHS stretch blow moulding machines

At least 2 years of lubrication- and maintenance-free operation at 60 °C and in continuous use


  • What was needed: Plain bearing made of iglidur® J and iglidur ® A180
  • Requirements: Absolute freedom from lubrication and maintenance, heat resistance up to 60 °C, cleanroom suitability
  • Industry: Beverage bottling plants
  • Success for the customer: With the plain bearings for the mandrels, KHS calculates 14,000 hours of component operation after tests. This corresponds to 2 years of completely maintenance- and lubrication-free operation.



Stretch blow moulding machine
Stretch blow moulding machine
Stretch blow moulding machine
Transport mandrels
Double-gate heating


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