Fail-safe and economical bearings in centrifuge reduce costs by 93%

In this laboratory device, metal bearings were replaced by wear-optimised iglidur® plain bearings


  • What was needed: Plain bearings in the bearing points of the journals
  • Requirements: Previous metal bearings jammed and wore out quickly. The new bearings therefore had to run smoothly and be low-wear and low-noise.
  • Industry: Medical technology
  • Success for the customer: By using our plastic plain bearings, the company was able to reduce assembly times to just 10 minutes, while maintenance was completely eliminated for the end customer. At the same time, costs were significantly reduced by 93% thanks to the new bearing.
Harvest decanter centrifuge



"The biggest item was the hidden costs. The fact that no more customers called to say that their machine was making strange noises, on the other hand, was priceless... iglidur® bearings are a design engineer's dream components. They solved our problem and they cost less."

Mechanical engineer at a manufacturing company


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