Precise and maintenance-free linear axis for DNA diagnostics in the laboratory

This device for detecting genetic changes utilises reliable drylin® storage technology.


  • What was needed: drylin® SHTspindle linear tables, drylin® electric motors
  • Requirements: The linear solution should enable precise and safe temperature control to improve the electrophoresis process.
  • Industry: Medical technology
  • Success for the customer: The use of the drylin® system enabled automated, precise and uniform pressing of the electrophoretic glass plates with the polyacrylamide gel onto the heat exchanger. It significantly improved the quality of the electrophoretic separation of analysed samples compared to the previous version of the DNA pointer system.
DNA Pointer System by Krzysztof Kucharczyk Techniki Elektroforetyczne Sp



DNA Pointer System
DNA Pointer System


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