iglidur® instead of metal bearings in knee joint prostheses

Long service life, no clearance, no noise, no maintenance


  • What was needed: Bearings made of iglidur ® W300 and iglidur ® Q
  • Requirements: Previous metal bearings were susceptible to dust and dirt, exhibited high clearance, fretting corrosion and noise during movement. The new solution should avoid this, be lightweight and have a good price-performance ratio
  • Industry: Medical technology, prostheses
  • Success for the customer: iglidur® W300 enables bearings with a particularly long service life, low coefficient of friction and extremely high abrasion resistance. iglidur® Q bearings, on the other hand, are particularly suitable for high loads. The prosthesis has become lighter and smoother at the same time. The user now has to visit the orthopaedic mechanic much less frequently.
Knee joint prosthesis from Otto Bock





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