drylin® T - system design, vertical, 1 rail and 2 carriages or 2 rails and 4 carriages

Step 2:

Variant: 1 rail, 2 trolleysVariant: 2 rail, 4 wagons
sy + sz<2 wx - Y0
ay + az<2 wx - Y0

Step 3:

3. Step
01 Step 3
02 step 3
03 Step 3
04 Step 3
05 Step 3

Step 4:


Step 4.1


Step 4.2
Fa:drive force[N]
Fs:Mass force[N]
Fy, Fz:Bearing load in y or z direction[N]
sx, sy, sz:Distance of the mass force in x-, y- or z-direction[mm]
ay, az:Distance of the drive force in the y or z direction[mm]
wx:Distance between the wagons on a rail[mm]
LX:Size-dependent constant[mm]
Zm:Size-dependent constant[mm]
Y0:Size-dependent constant[mm]
b:Distance between the guide rails[mm]
µ:coefficient of friction, µ = 0 for static loads, µ = 0.2 for dynamic loads
ZW:Number of slides per rail

Step 5:

Order numberFymax, Fzmax [N]

Step 6:

6 Step


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