Bearings in a tyre soaping station withstand solvents and alkalis for years

Customised plain bearings save on downtime and maintenance costs

  • What was needed: A lubrication-free flange bearing for a tyre assembly line.
  • Manufacturing process: Turned from bar stock
  • Requirements: Durable, resistant to water and solvents
  • Industry: Tyre production, car washes
  • Solution: iglidur ® W300 spherical ball, housing made of igumid® G
  • Success for the customer: €2,440 savings in repair costs, €8,400 savings due to prevented machine downtime, savings in maintenance costs

The problem: Machine downtime due to lack of lubricant

Bearings made of iglidur® bar stock save lubrication and reduce costs

A plain bearing made of bar stock in a tyre fitting line


I look forward to answering your questions

Shipping and consultation