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We consider it our corporate duty to protect the environment and conserve resources - especially as a company that processes plastics. Therefore, one of our company goals is CO2-neutrality and zero plastic waste. To achieve this, igus pursues various strategies:
One way to recycle plastics is mechanical recycling, also known as material recycling. The aim of this method is the recovery or reuse of plastics without changing the chemical structure of the material. The plastics are separated by type, shredded, melted down and turned into recyclate. New plastic products are then manufactured from the recyclate.
With chainge, we offer a recycling platform for technical and industrial plastics. We have invested in the Hamburg-based start-up cirplus to supplement our product range and close the plastics cycle a little further. Disposal companies, recyclers and product manufacturers can use this marketplace to buy standardised recyclates from all over the world in a safe, traceable and cost-efficient way. To this end, cirplus has also initiated the first standards for high-quality plastics recycling: DIN SPEC 91446 and 91481.
Chemical recycling is another type of plastic recycling, which is often referred to as raw-material recycling. As the name suggests, the chemical structure of the material is changed. The plastics are broken down into their original raw materials, which can then be reused for different purposes.
In 2020, igus invested in the company Mura Technology Limited, which uses a new technology for recycling plastics: Hydrothermal Plastic Recycling Solution, or HydroPRS for short. This can convert unsorted plastic waste into crude oil within 30 minutes. The whole process uses water, high temperatures and pressure to conserve resources. The first industrial site in Teesside, UK, will be commissioned in 2024.
When it comes to recycling, we don't just want to restrict ourselves to our main material, plastic. We are also pushing ahead other measures to ensure that our production is as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible.
With a company as large as igus, you can't avoid disposing of devices, which become electronic waste. Unfortunately, this amounts to 5 tonnes per year - at least, it did until 2019. Our trainees then took up the issue and started their own trainee company with reguse. Here, electrical appliances that are still in working order, such as laptops, PCs and monitors, are reconditioned and sold to igus employees at little cost, or donated to schools and associations. The proceeds are used for sustainable projects.