Unsupported applications for short travels

What does "unsupported length" mean?

Unsupported energy chains
Tips regarding unsupported length

10 tips for long-lasting energy supply in "unsupported" applications

  • Minimum length to maximum travel
  • Acceleration, travel speed and cycle frequency
  • Clearance space within the energy chain
  • Accessories
  1. Unsupported length - Straight unsupported with straight upper run:
    The energy chain has a pretension or is straight.
  2. Unsupported length - with sag unsupported with permitted sag:
    The energy chain has a sag of more than half an e-chain® height sag.
  3. Critical sag:
    The sag is higher than the permitted value for unsupported with permitted sag. Installation with critical sag must be avoided.
Unsupported energy chains

Use the load diagram to check the standard values for unsupported lengths

Unsupported length
Unsupported length
Y Axis X Axis S
Fill weight [kg/m]Unsupported length [m]Travel [m]

What to do if the unsupported length is not sufficient?

  • Select a more stable energy chain
  • Support the energy chain in the unsupported range. This option results in restrictions in terms of acceleration, speed and noise. Three basic examples are shown in the graph below. Please contact us if you are considering this option. We will be happy to make you a detailed proposal
  • Use a multiband e-chain® or place two energy chains inside each other. (Please contact us)
  • Designing the travel as a gliding application
Unsupported energy chains
Unsupported energy chains
Unsupported energy chains

The influence of speed and acceleration on service life

v max.[m/s]203
v peak[m/s]50-
a max.[m/s2]2006
a peak [m/s2]784-
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