Heavy duty use on the field

Robust plain bearings for heavy duty use in cultivators in agriculture

lubrication-free iglidur® plain bearings ensure maintenance-free running and cope with high loads


  • What was needed: iglidur ® plain bearing
  • Requirements: Lubrication and maintenance-free as well as robust plain bearings that have to withstand high loads during swivelling movements
  • Industry: Agriculture, agricultural machinery construction
  • Success for the customer: Great time and cost savings, as no lubrication of the iglidur® bearings used is necessary and they are particularly durable
Cultivator of the company Lemken GmbH



Cultivator of the company Lemken GmbH
Cultivator of the company Lemken GmbH

Years of successful cooperation

Further application reports

Hay swathers with individual plain bearings made of iglidur® materials
Melting probe with bearing element made of iglidur® bar stocks
3D-printed grippers for the cosmetics industry


I look forward to answering your questions

Shipping and consultation