energy chain - Technical terms and definitions

Abbreviations Explanation:Unit
αAngle of rotation [°]
ΔMDeviation of the centre point [mm]
ARouter radius energy chain (for twisterchain®) [mm]
BaOuter width [mm]
BiInner width [mm]
BRa Guide trough outer width [mm]
BRi Guide trough inner width [mm]
D Over length e-chain® radius in final position [mm]
D2Over length for long travels gliding [m]
FLBUnsupported length with sag [mm]
FLGUnsupported straight length [mm]
FLUUnsupported lower run [mm]
FLPProjected unsupported length [m] [mm]
FL90Side-mounted applications [m] [mm]
FLmax.Maximum fill weight [kg/m]
HNominal clearance height [mm]
H2Clearance height with lowered moving end [mm]
hae-chain® External link height [mm]
HFRequired clearance height [mm]
hiInner height [mm]
HRaOuter trough height [mm]
HRiInner trough height [mm]
IRinner radius e-chain®[mm]
KAdd-on for bend radius for calculating the e-chain length [mm]
K2Add-on for bend radius if the mounting point is lowered (for long travels) [mm]
LKe-chain®-length [mm]
nNumber of links [1]
nMonNumber of installation sets (left/right) [1]
nRiNumber of trough sets (left/right) [1]
RBend radius[mm]
RBRReverse Bend Radius [mm]
S Travel[mm]
S/2Half length of travel [mm]
Te-chain® pitch[mm]
v Speed[m/s]
X1Inner machine limit (twisterchain) [mm]
X2outer radius e-chain® incl. Free space [mm]


LK = S/2 + Ke-chain®® -length, all installation types, fixed end in the centre of the travel, except circular movements and most long travels (for FLG, FLB) [m].
LK = S/2 + ΔM + K e-chain®® -length, fixed end outside the centre of the travel path (for FLG, FLB and ΔM)
LK = [sup]S[sup]/2 + K2[m] e-chain®® -length for long travel distances, fixed end in the centre of the travel distance
SFLB = 2 * FLB Calculation of maximum travel length, unsupported with sag
SFLG = 2 * FLG Calculation of maximum travel length, unsupported straight
BRI ≥ Ba + 5 Minimum guide trough width
HRI ≥ 2 * ha Minimum height of the guide trough for gliding application
K = R * π + (2 x T) Add-on for bend radius

Opening principle

"easy" design
Not to be opened
Lids removable along the outer radius
triflex® R completely closed
Zipper principle
crossbars openable along the outer radius, from both sides

crossbars openable along the outer radius, from both sides

Crossbars removable along the inner and outer radius
triflex R – "easy" design; simply press cables in
Openable along the inner radius from one side
Crossbars openable from both sides along the inner radius

Crossbars openable from both sides along the inner radius

Openable from both sides - lids openable along the outer radius, from one side
triflex R – light version with "easy" design; simply press cables in
Openable from one side on the outer radius
Lids removable along the outer radius
Easy filling from both sides with "easy" design
triflex R – variant with snap-lock mechanism

Pictograms of the installation types

Unsupported type of movement
Sliding movement type
Rotary movement
Hanging type of movement
Standing type of movement
zig-zag type of movement
Movement type rotated by 90
Horizontal/vertical type of movement
Movement type side by side
Combined type of movement
Self-supporting lower run
Projected unsupported length FLP


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